Flat Earth Hollywood

Flat Earth Hollywood

Flat Earth Hollywood Live  Flat Earth Hollywood Live street activism is made by real truth-seekers from the greater Los Angeles area brought together with a worldwide online support community whom up until now, have not verified that the globe earth theory is true....
Jack Keith, National Celebrity Interviewed On FERLive

Jack Keith, National Celebrity Interviewed On FERLive

Jack Keith To Be Interviewed On FERLive by Mark Hollander On His Show Hoodwinked Into the Age of Insanity. A true warrior for Jesus Christ and has been a walking testimony of what the spirit of Christ can do . Five years sober from drinking and drug abuse and is now a...
Mad Mike Hughes, The Real Rocketman Radio Show

Mad Mike Hughes, The Real Rocketman Radio Show

Rocketman – Mad Mike’s Mission to Prove the Flat-Earth is a documentary about an aging daredevil named ‘Mad Mike’ Hughes. Hughes decides to launch himself in a homemade rocket on a mad mission to prove the Earth is flat in this hilarious documentary that...
Questions Joshua Michael Gennari Needs To Answer

Questions Joshua Michael Gennari Needs To Answer

I was introduced to Shelley Lewis in August 2018, by Mark Hollander, a host on my new start-up radio station “Flat Earth Radio Live”. Shelley and Mark had been friends for a number of years and the subject came up that Shelley should do her own show too....
A NASA Christmas Carol

A NASA Christmas Carol

Scene 4: It is a dismal bedroom in a huge dark empty mansion… outside white snow is falling… it is Christmas Eve… and while the city celebrates the arrival of Christmas, the old miser sits alone in his freezing bedroom too cheap to even buy coal for...
Shelley Lewis Wins Journalism Expertise Award

Shelley Lewis Wins Journalism Expertise Award

Shelley Lewis Wins Journalism Expertise Award Thank you, Shelley, for your dedication and professionalism in all that you do. We appreciate you, and honor you for being a wonderful person to be, and have around. Russell Dibird, Executive...
Finding the Ferret for FER Live

Finding the Ferret for FER Live

Finding The Ferret How We Found The Mighty Ferret As Mascot For Flat Earth Radio Live and The Flat Earth Media Group This is the story about finding the ferret to be the mascot of FERLive and the Flat Earth Media Group. After Ric’s show on Friday night, with the...


Host Your Own Flat Earth Radio Show! We are currently seeking radio show hosts with online media experience to play a greater part in the Free Earth / Flat Earth Community by posting podcasts and live shows. Additionally, if you are new to the sport or would like to...