Jack Keith To Be Interviewed On FERLive by Mark Hollander On His Show Hoodwinked Into the Age of Insanity.
A true warrior for Jesus Christ and has been a walking testimony of what the spirit of Christ can do . Five years sober from drinking and drug abuse and is now a shining light for all truthers . Jack Keith ran over accidentally a bicyclist and the victim was near death and Jack did bedside vigils at his side and did a go fund me for him and raised over $10,000 in two weeks for his newfound friend . He was on the Kelly Clarkson show and will be on inside edition next week . We all love Jack and want to welcome my brother on Hoodwinked into the age of insanity Tuesday night, January 28, 2020 at 7 pm CST! Excited to have him on to tell his story!
We hope you enjoy the show.

Jack Keith, Tom Sovilla, Kelley Clarkson Show Jan 22, 2020